Answers to all your questions about VIP nightlife, bottle service and much more. If you didn't find what you were looking for, please contact us at the following link.redeeming qualities


Dress Code

Se requiere vestimenta adecuada. El recinto se reserva el derecho a denegar la entrada a discreción del portero.

No camisetas sin mangas
No pantalones cortos
No llevar ropa demasiado holgada
No se permiten sandalias, chanclas ni zapatillas deportivas sucias.
No se permite ropa de playa
No se permiten camisetas demasiado holgadas
No Jerseys / Ropa deportiva
No gorras


See our events calendar for schedules of upcoming events.

Required Age

Minimum age: 18 years old. Entry is only permitted with a valid ID.Accepted ID's include: Panamanian identity card, Panamanian driver's licenses and international passports recognized by Panama.If you are not a resident of Panama, you must present your passport to enter the site. IDs issued by other governments will not be accepted.


The music style depends on the type of event. Visit our calendar for detailed information on specific nights and events.